a place where imagination and reality collide


hello! welcome to fayth's humble little corner of the internet. to be honest, this site has been around in various incarnations for a very long time, early 2002 in fact. It actually just started off as a blog called Envious, I believe on angelfire or geocities, before a friend offered to host me. When I finally got my own domain name and paid hosting it became interstellar-dreams.net for a long time. At some point I changed it to shadowchasing.net, then daath.net because I got tired of having such a long name. Then I stopped being able to afford to pay for hosting in 2012, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to anytime soon, so for now it's here. I don't really have an official 'name' for it anymore either, ha.

this page is really just a gateway to a few different sites I still want to maintain. 'fanfics' leads to a choice of either going to my archive of all my fanfics and other writings, or a rec site I put together of others' fics that I've enjoyed over the years. 'icons' is a site with all of the many icons I used to make for livejournal back in the day. 'recipes' is an archive of others' recipes I've made and modified (all linking back to the original recipe). and that's really about it (:

latest update;


Have Noesis and Shining Collection up and complete. Well, nearly for Noesis. Need to fix the index page and some others. Noesis does have a new layout, however. Still don't have the recipes site up, that will probably be a while in coming haha.


layout content © 2002-2015 fayth. coding is intended to be open-source. layout design and content are not to be copied without permission.